Christmas is joyful, especially the music, but some musicians should never, ever be allowed to belt out a holiday tune and ‘m not just talking about barking dogs. There’s Marilyn Manson, for example, Ozzy Osbourne, or any band that sounds like an explosion in the boiler room accompanied by screaming.
Some of the stuff that’s already out there, like songs about grandma being hit by Santa’s reindeer, should be canned in my humble, ahem, opinion.
Even the classics can become a nightmare sometimes.
Years ago, while working in a large department store, I got so sick of listening to Dean Martin and Bing Crosby I should have knocked the drink out of Dean’s hand and whacked Bing in the head with his pipe.
So, here’s the challenge: Name other musicians that should stay away from Christmas and stick to their roots.
Merry Christmas.